Individual Travelers

Adults Per person 10,00 Euro
Children (4 - 14 years old) Per person 5,50 Euro
Family Ticket max. 2 adults + 2 children
each additional children
25,00 Euro
3,00 Euro

Groups of 15 persons

Adults Per person 8,00 Euro
Children (4 - 14 years old) Per person 5,00 Euro

Knowledgable tour (reservation required)

Duration ca. 1 hour Once per group 15,00 Euro

Severely damaged (against presentation of ID card from 60%)

Adults Per person 8,00 Euro
Children (4 - 14 years old) Per person 5,00 Euro


Adults Per person 6,00 Euro
Children (4 - 14 years old) Per person 4,50 Euro


Details without Guarantee. Subject to change.

Am Anger 19
06571 Roßleben-Wiehe

Montag - Sonntag
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

BarrierefreiheitMontag - Sonntag
(auch an Feiertagen)
letzter Einlass 16:00 Uhr

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